First Pub Night @Free House – May 5th, 2016
Thank you all for coming to the first BLPA Pub Night! You made it a great success. Link to all photos!
Thank you all for coming to the first BLPA Pub Night! You made it a great success. Link to all photos!
The Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association is looking for a logo! Please, submit your designs to Sinead Griffin (sgriffinn@lbl.—) by May 3rd, 2016.
The board of the Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association has been formally constituted: Co-chair 1: Antoine Wojdyla (Materials Sciences Division) Co-chair 2: Cameron Coates (Joint Genome Institute) Co-chair 3: Jing Xu (Energy Technologies Area) Co-chair 4: Valentine Trotter (Bioscience Division) Secretary: Greg Su (Advanced Light Source) Treasurer: Hang Deng (Earth & …
Pleas join us Monday 28th, 2016 at 5:30pm at the LBNL cafeteria for the kick-off meeting of the Berkeley Lab Postdoc Associations. Our executive sponsor, Horst Simon, deputy director of LBNL, will give the introductory speech. Food and refreshments will be served ! Link to all photos
The first general postdoc assembly was meant to held in the auditorium of Building 50 on Tuesday, January 26th at 6pm, but it will be rescheduled. Stay tuned !
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