Bay to Breakers
A team of five postdocs wore costumes to race in Bay-to-Breakers, and then enjoy a victory brunch afterwards!
A team of five postdocs wore costumes to race in Bay-to-Breakers, and then enjoy a victory brunch afterwards!
On Sunday April 7th, 19 Berkeley lab postdocs went on a hiking trip to Mount Diablo State park, about an hour away from Berkely. Hiking up from Junction Ranger Station to the summit of Mount Diablo, we were treated to beautiful views of the green hills, blooming flowers and grazing …
A group of 22 Berkeley lab postdocs went on a hiking trip to Briones Regional park on Sunday March 17, 2019, which is just a 30 minute drive from Berkely. On a very warm and pleasant day, we were treated to some amazing views of Berkeley Hills and Mount Diablo. …
Surprisingly close to Berkeley lies the Sibley Volcanic Regional Park, where a group of 21 postdocs hiked along the rugged mountain tops, where lava used to be flowing, still visible by the cooled down rocks, partially eroded and partially intact. We even saw a large group of newts and their …
A new type of activity for BLPA, is a wildlife viewing activity! Point Reyes is home to an elephant seal population, massive 15-feet, 5000-pound seals with an elephant-like trunk. BLPA visited them in January 2019, where we saw them from a safe 200 feet distance. Massive males were lying on …
Water in frozen form is not only below 0 °C or 32 °F or 272 K, as we as postdocs all know, but also slippery and very solid as we experienced! A group of postdocs went out & experienced the feeling of graciously sliding over this frozen substance on thin …
The October hike took BLPA to Castle Rock State Park. We hiked among the big rocks via the Saratoga Gap Trail. We even climbed a few!
Living in the Bay Area means we should not only explore the land, but also the water of this place. After proper research, the perfect activity had been found for this: kayaking! Sitting on a boat paddling at a leisure pace, enjoying the water, the sun and the wind. It …
The July bike ride took a group of postdocs along the Bay Shore Trail and across the Bay Bridge to Treasure Island. There we hung out at the TreasureFest flea market.