Great crowd at Berkeley Lab to hear former postdocs talk about their transition to data science through the the Insight Data Science Fellows Program:
- Kathy Copic is the VP of Growth at Insight Data Science, where she works on expanding Insight to new locations. Before that, she worked in Experimental Particle Physics at labs including CERN, Fermilab, SLAC, Lawrence Berkeley, and Brookhaven. She earned her Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Michigan, was a post-doc in the same field at Columbia, and worked as a Staff Scientist at Berkeley National Lab before starting at Insight.
- Jeffrey Silverman is a Data Scientist at Samba TV where he uses big data to figure exactly how many people are really watching Westworld. He is a graduate of the Insight Data Science Program (class of 16C). Before that, Jeff was an astrophysics postdoc at the University of Texas at Austin where he studied exploding stars. He earned his PhD at UC Berkeley working exploding stars and dark energy with the Filippenko group on campus and the Nugent group at LBNL.
- Joel Swenson is a Program Director at Insight Data Science, where he leads the Health Data Science Program in San Francisco. Previously he studied nuclear organization and epigenomics. He earned his Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley and was a post-doc at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab before joining Insight.
- Matt George leads the data science team at Airware, a commercial drone startup in San Francisco. Previously he worked at Square in data science and software engineering roles, and completed a fellowship at Insight Data Science. He earned a Ph.D. in astrophysics at UC Berkeley, working with the cosmology group at LBL.

Photos are available here.