Category: Seminars
Game of Divisions
For the National Postdoc Appreciation Week, we are organizing the Game of divisions, where each division is represented by a postdoc, who will represent his house for the control of the Iron Stool. The talks will be 3min long, and the jury will be led by lab director Mike Witherell, …
Quantum computing with Rigetti
The main auditorium of Berkeley Lab was almost full to hear about Quantum Computing from Shane Caldwell, Quantum Engineer at Rigetti, a Berkeley-based Quantum Computing start-up. The company has attracted a lot of interest recently (The Quantum Computer Factory That’s Taking on Google and IBM – Wired) with its quantum …
Interview in industry (BLPA career seminar #6)
Postdocs at Berkeley Lab were thrilled to learn about how to best prepare for interviews, and get to know all the tricks they can use to attract the attention of companies by staffing agency. The talk, part of BLPA Career Seminars series, was given by Nina Mazurova, a talent partner …
Series X with Alexis Madrigal
Usually, for Series X, we like to talk about things past and we invite renowned scientists to talk about their journey in science. But this time, we had a different kind of scientist — a journalist — and it was our delight to welcome Alexis Madrigal, with the photos of the …
How to use social media to advance your research career
On April 3rd, 2017, we had Catharine Adams (@scienceismetal) from UC Berkeley presenting “How to use social media to advance your research career”, where she enjoined young researcher to engage a larger audience and share their research with non-scientist. The corresponding material is available here, and you can watch a …
BLPA career seminar: Insight Data Science
Great crowd at Berkeley Lab to hear former postdocs talk about their transition to data science through the the Insight Data Science Fellows Program: Kathy Copic is the VP of Growth at Insight Data Science, where she works on expanding Insight to new locations. Before that, she worked in Experimental …
forum@MSD – novel photonic structures
We were thrilled to host the second event of out forum@MSD series, were we talked about novel photonic structures (the first event was about topological insulators). This event was introduced by Xiang Zhang (, who does a lot of work around very strange and cool interactions between matter and light …
Open Access – additional resources
This a follow-up of the Open Access event we had at the lab (the pictures of the event are here.), and a continuation of our previous article : Open Access publishing at Berkeley Lab. Here is the supporting material (from the speakers at the event): Open Access impact on scientific …