Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association

The Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association is an organization run by and for about 1000 postdocs and early career scientists working at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. We organize many activities to strengthen our ties to the Lab, to each other and to the (Berkeley) Bay Area. Our goal is to facilitate social interactions, scientific exchanges, seminars and general orientation.
Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association

Israel Figueroa, Ph.D.

Scientist, Visolis Israel Figueroa obtained his PhD in Microbiology from UC Berkeley. After a brief stint as a postdoc, he decided to move into the exciting and rapidly expanding biorenewables industry. He currently works as a Scientist at Visolis, a biotech startup based in Hayward, CA, where he uses synthetic …

Christopher Benson

Associate, EE & CS, Exponent Christopher Benson is an experimental physicist with a background in mechanical engineering whose expertise covers high voltage systems, high-power devices, electric motors, detector calibration, extreme ultraviolet optics, wavelength shifting thin films, and detailed Monte Carlo simulations. His experience at Exponent includes failure analysis, testing, and …

Briones hike

A group of 22 Berkeley lab postdocs went on a hiking trip to Briones Regional park on Sunday March 17, 2019, which is just a 30 minute drive from Berkely. On a very warm and pleasant day, we were treated to some amazing views of Berkeley Hills and Mount Diablo. …