For the lastest BLPA seminar : Series X, We were pleased to host Paul Alivisatos, Vice-Chancellor for research at University of California, Berkeley, and former director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory !

Here are the pictures of the events, and some of units of wisdom :
“I have learned to create a new unit of failure through abject failures !”
“Every time I start a new project, I hope this the the thing I wanted to do my whole life”
“Sometimes Nature tells you what you were dreaming about is not going to happen… but tells you something else”
“Make beautiful graphs : only start to write when you have the best data our group can get”
“The value of the writing in paper lies explaining the connection”
“A the end of the week, write what you wanted to do, and what you did.”
“I sent resumes to Chuck Shank, Steve Chu and Luis Alvarez– I got three offers!”
“As a postdoc, I could just make projects work!”
“Research is not linear, sometimes it goes in funny cycle : revisit old ideas!”
“Be a combinatorial reader”
“I gambled with startup money, burnt it all and crashed– yet, I got papers published, and I got fast-tracked on tenure !”
“Try to build influence on the world outside the lab”
“Each time I was involved with a startup, the technology level went way past what you could do in academia
but you can’t share!”