The Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association is an organization run by and for about 1000 postdocs and early career scientists working at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. We organize many activities to strengthen our ties to the Lab, to each other and to the (Berkeley) Bay Area. Our goal is to facilitate social interactions, scientific exchanges, seminars and general orientation.
Open Access and Berkeley Lab publication policies

Open Access and Berkeley Lab publication policies

Come and join us to learn about the history and current status of the Open Access, and how the DOE publishing policies wants you to help in that effort. We will also give a refresher of the good practices regarding acknowledgement, particularly critical in times where there is a change in the composition of the federal government.

Laurence Bianchini from MyScienceWork will and Peter Palath from Berkeley Lab will give an information session on Open Access and publication policy specific to the lab, on Thursday, December 1st at 11am in Aud50.open_access_slide
The talk is open to anyone at the lab.

Here is some information : Open Access publishing at Berkeley Lab.