The San Francisco marathon will be up on Sunday, July 31, for the 39th time. A lot of people participate, many of which use the opportunity to run for a good cause. Just like Lydia Terborg who is a postdoc with the ESDR at the Lab.
Lydia will go for the half-marathon distance. And, she has started a fundraiser to collect money for postdocs at the Lab. We will use the funds via the Berkeley Lab Foundation to provide food and beverages during social events such as picnics and Pub Nights.
Donate by going here, then click on “Donate to a Fundraiser”, and select “Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association”. Also, encourage others to do so, too. Especially your PIs!
Are you going to run the marathon, too? And, do you like to help raising money? Then, just join the BLPA team.
Have fun!