Join a social buddy lunch on Zoom on Monday, September 14th, noon to say hi to fellow postdocs at the Lab. Sign up here.
Since we are all forced to stay home and distance ourselves from other people, BLPA organizes a social buddy lunch on Zoom so that we are still able to get to know new people and don’t end up feeling lonely.
How does it work?
We will match small groups of postdocs to have a zoom chat during lunchtime on Monday at noon. The idea is simple, you will get to know three other postdocs and enjoy talking via Zoom during your Monday Lunch. You will receive an email including contacts to your lunch matches, so you can set up a Zoom connection between you.
To schedule a Zoom meeting
Go to and click on Schedule a Meeting. You can also go to your LBNL Google Calendar, add a meeting there, invite all your lunch buddies, and click on “Make it a Zoom Meeting” while creating the event.