If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please send us an e-mail:
BLPA Committees
We are always on the lookout for new events that could be fun and that we can bring to the postdoc community together as well as enthusiastic individuals interested in serving the postdoc community. If you have any ideas for events, please let us know by email to or by dropping a line to a board member you know. If you’d like to volunteer with BLPA, please fill out this form.
Social Committee
Social Committee puts together a wide variety of events to enrich the postdocs’ personal lives and support networking among postdocs in a social context. We organize social events and outdoor activities including movie nights, game nights, hikes, pub nights, meet & greet events as well as a labmate program for new postdocs and we are happy to include new ideas. Join us to support social interactions among postdocs at Berkeley Lab.
Outreach Committee
Outreach Committee focuses on self development and diversity & inclusion activities including brown bag seminars (postdoc-to-postdoc, science café, cultural lunch) as well as coffee with postdocs blogs, outreach events and workshops. We also enhance communication between the BLPA Board and nation-wide postdoc community and foster networking and collaborative communication across divisions. Join us in preparing seminars, workshops, blog posts, newsletters while improving your science communication and public speaking skills.
Lab-Industry Networking Connection (LINC) Committee
LINC committee organizes tech talks, company site visits, networking events and career fairs to educate postdocs about careers beyond academia and facilitate effective networking between postdocs and industry partners. Join us if you are interested in expanding your professional network and exploring opportunities beyond academia while improving your communication, networking, leadership, time and project management skills.
BLPA Board
The Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association (BLPA) is an organization that is run by, and for, postdocs, grad students, visiting members and early-career scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBL). We aim at providing support, activities and building a network.

Bernard Field
Ivo Markovic

Jakub Kierdaszuk
Coordinator, Social Committee
Dennis Noll
Coordinator, Outreach Committee

Soumyadeep Ghosh
Coordinator, Treasurer
Kas Andrle
Secretary & Board Member

Jan Dvorak
Webmaster & Board Member
Kshitiz Gupta
Board Member

Former Board Members
Trisha Kishore Bhagde (Energy Storage & Distributed Resources)
Archana Yadav (Earth & Environmental Sciences)
Mauricio Lopez Luna (Chemical Sciences Division/ALS)
Rajiv Ramanujam Prabhakar (Chemical Sciences Division)
Weronika Wolszczak (Nuclear Science Division)
David Halat (Materials Sciences Division)
Christian Messe (Accellerator Technology & Applied Physics division)
Emil Rofors (Nuclear Science Division)
Fatima H. Garcia (Nuclear Science Division)
Maher Alghalayini (Energy Technologies Area)
Alexander Pattison (Molecular Foundry)
Raul Flores (Materials Sciences Division)
Moniruzzaman Shaikh (Chemical Sciences Division)
Jonelle Basso (Joint Genome Institute)
Jibran Zuberi (Energy Analysis & Environment Impact Division)
Sarvesh Kumar (Chemical Science Division)
Alice Gatti (Computational Research Division)
Elle Barnes (Joint Genome Institute)
Maximilian Bremer (Computational Research Division)
Shwetha Acharya (Joint Genome Institute)
Gözde Barım (Energy Storage & Distributed Resources Division)
Pramod Bhuvankar (Earth & Environment Sciences)
Lisa Claus (NERSC)
Doru Adrian Thom Popovici (Computational Research Division)
Louise Frenck (Materials Sciences Division)
Joseph Stevens (Joint BioEnergy Institute)
Ryan Kingsbury (Energy Storage & Distributed Resources Division)
Oisin Creaner (NERSC)
Pei Li (Earth & Environmental Sciences)
Karol Krizka (Physics Division)
Maria Zurek (Nuclear Science Division)
Leticia Arnedo-Sanchez (Chemical Sciences Division)
Venkitesh Ayyar (Computational Research Division)
Kang Yao (Energy Storage & Distributed Resources Division)
Fadji Maina (Energy Geosciences Division)
Yusen Qiao (Chemical Sciences Division)
Jonathan Madsen (NERSC)
Roel Van Beeumen (Computational Research Division)
Louise Lassalle (Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division)
Ro-Ya Liu (Advanced Light Source)
Nameera Baig (Climate & Ecosystem Sciences Division)
Arnoud Everhardt (Materials Sciences Division)
Ngoc Bui (Molecular Foundry)
Sophia Betzler (Materials Sciences Division)
Junsong Lin (Physics Division)
Ivana Hasa (Energy Storage & Distributed Resources Division)
Björn Enders (Advanced Light Source)
Judit Oliver-Meseguer (Chemical Sciences Division)
Valentine Trotter (Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology)
Antoine Wojdyla (Materials Sciences Division)
Hang Deng (Earth & Environmental Sciences)
Jana Voriskova (Climate & Ecosystem Sciences)
Robert Streubel (Materials Sciences Division)
Valentine Trotter (Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology)
Gregory Su (Advanced Light Source)
Nils Zimmermann (Computational Research Division)
Sinead Griffin (Molecular Foundry)
Mengsu Hu (Earth & Environmental Sciences)
Shan Dou (Earth & Environmental Sciences)
Kenneth Higa (Energy Technologies Area)
Protonu Basu (Computational Research Division)
Brandon Krull (Computational Research Division)
Tetiana Shalapska (Materials Sciences Division)
Cameron Coates
Jing Xu (Energy Technologies Area)
Jochen Thaeder (Physics Division)
Lydia Terborg (Energy Technologies Area)
Juliane Mueller (Computational Research Division)
Dilip Vasudevan
Rose Abramoff
Jingjing Zhang
Teresa Eaton

Not on the picture: Aaron Hammack, Kenneth Higa, Georgios Michelogiannakis, Juliane Mueller, Nils Zimmermann, and Jochen Thaeder — March 2016