The Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association is an organization run by and for about 1000 postdocs and early career scientists working at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. We organize many activities to strengthen our ties to the Lab, to each other and to the (Berkeley) Bay Area. Our goal is to facilitate social interactions, scientific exchanges, seminars and general orientation.
Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association

Holiday Bake-Together

On Sunday, Dec 20, 2020, at 4 PM, we’ll Meet for our Holiday BLPA Bake-Together! We will prepare a delicious bake small French holiday cookies called “Bredele”. Sign up in this form.

Come join our bake together to bake small French cookies called “Bredele”, a speciality from Alsace that is baked for holidays. No previous baking experience needed. Please sign up in this form to receive the zoom link and all the list of ingredients.